Dealing With Divorce: Avoid These Mistakes And Help Your Child Adjust
As you go through the upheaval of a divorce, it's important to remember that your child may be struggling with anxiety and uncertainty as well. During this nerve-racking time, you can help put your child's fears to rest by offering the support and encouragement he or she needs. Here are a few common mistakes that some parents make during the strain of an impending divorce (and how to avoid them so your child may adjust):
What Not To Give To Your Troubled Teen This Christmas
Is your teen in counseling due to their participation violent, risky, or dangerous behavior? If so, choosing Christmas gifts for them can be a bit tougher than normal. You want to give you teen a great Christmas, but you don't want to buy them a present that is going to contribute in any way to their negative behavior, or one that might worsen whatever emotions are fueling that behavior. If you're dealing with a troubled teen who is currently in counseling, here are 4 Christmas gifts you should avoid giving them, as well as some smart-choice alternatives.
Heroin: Why The Next Needle Or Snort Might Kill You
Since 1920, when Congress enacted the Dangerous Drug Act that made heroin illegal in this country, people have sought the drug through undercover venues. Buying heroin through street-level dealers, users take the risk of ingesting unknown substances used to stretch the supply and make more money for each person who handled it. Users also take the risk of ingesting heroin at various levels of purity. In 2013, 8,000 people died from heroin overdoses because of lethal additives or dangerously pure batches of the drug.
4 Wonderful Benefits Of Premarital Counseling
In years past, counseling was often sought out when there was a problem to fix. But that is no longer the case. Counseling can be a wonderful way to head off problems at the pass, particularly for couples that are planning to get married. If you're on the fence about seeking premarital counseling, here are four great reasons to say "yes" to therapy before saying "I do." Address Potential Issues
What Exactly Is Music Therapy And How Can It Help?
Music has long been linked with the mind and has been used by many as a means of relaxing and coping with stress. As such, many clinics throughout the country are promoting music therapy as an evidence-based method of dealing with psychiatric problems. This article will teach you more about this method. What Exactly is Music Therapy? Music therapy is recognized as one of the expressive therapies that aims to help patients with emotional, mental or cognitive difficulties.